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We all know how important B2B email marketing is these days, and unfortunately, we all also know how easy it is for this to go terribly awry if it isn’t handled right. In fact, email marketing in general has a lot of potential for effectiveness, but it’s a medium marketers must tread lightly. Without heading best practices the emails are a complete waste with a low open rate. Today’s society has a complete disdain for junk and spam mail. Thus, email marketers need to be careful with their content and aim to provide value to the potential customers. Unfortunately, email provides an extremely easy and efficient way for spammers to send out their message – so for marketers we need to work harder to separate ourselves and avoid the junk folder. This becomes even more important in the B2B sphere. As a marketer with WalkMe, I get between 25-50 mass produced emails per day. Therefore, I’ve become an email marketing expert sort of by default. When drafting an email for my company, the first thing I say to myself is, “would I open this?” If the answer’s no, I immediately start over. Let’s look at five tips for B2B email marketing strategies: #1 – Appropriate Targets This should go without saying, however, I continue to see marketers targeting the wrong person or department at a company. If the goal for the emails is to sell your product or service, make sure you’re sending it to the appropriate decision maker.. People tend to assume that marketing between businesses works fine as long as the company at large receives the email. But you know what they say about “assuming.” A lot of the time the CEO of the company isn’t the right person – they’re often dealing with larger issues than buying your product. #2 – Effective Subject Line Obviously, you need to spend some serious thought on your subject. At WalkMe, we often compile a list of 20 subjects and slowly narrow them down to the best one. It’s important for the subject to be appealing, yet also have a specific call to action. If it’s too “salesy” or too vague, it’ll often be discarded. #3 – Instant Engagement It’s imperative to engage your reader within the first line of the body text. Again, if it sounds straight from a salesman’s mouth, or is too fluff, many people will stop reading right there. B2B professionals don’t have the time compared with consumer marketing. #4 – Clear Itemization Along these lines, itemize the points of the email to show what you’re offering, why it’s beneficial and why the company in question has use for it. Make these clear and easy to pick out bullet points the reader can instantly scan and see the value of your product. The bottom line, to them and their company, needs to be easy to pick out and weigh. #5 – Good Callback Enabling It’s all for not if you don’t make it easy for them to respond to your email, and engage you for the cultivation of business, right? In that light, make sure there are several links to the company website, a phone number, and an email to reply to are readily provided at the beginning of the email, rather than at the bottom of it. It’s a good idea to use an email address they can reply directly to as the address to send from, if you can. Notice that B2B email marketing is more of a no nonsense and to the point science than “civilian” email marketing? Yeah, this is why you have to be systematic when you market through this medium.


Kevin Goldberg