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Formulating a solid product branding strategy can be tough. It’s one of those things where it seems partly left up to luck, and if something takes with people, it takes. If it doesn’t, then it simply doesn’t. But, that’s just how it can seem, superficially. In truth, it’s possible to design your strategy so that it has a stronger chance of being a winning one, if you actually think about what makes a brand. Today, I’m going to give you some product branding strategy tips that can help make this less of a game of chance. There’s still always a chance that the unpredictable consumer populace just doesn’t take with the brand and strategy for its implementation you work out, because people are fickle and unpredictable creatures. Still, you have a fighting chance with a good strategy, than with just leaving luck to heaven. #1 – Logos and Slogans Logos and slogans and catchy jingles or mottos – these are things that a lot of people foolishly consider to be the bulk of branding in general, much to their own folly. In fact, there is a lot more to a brand than just the logo, or the catchy tune or slogan that goes with it. However, that’s not to say that it’s not important. I don’t think it’s the most important aspect of your strategy, but given that people automatically think of these things when they think of branding, let’s talk about it first. What makes a logo stand out? Is it the fact that it’s pretty, or is it the fact that it’s innocuous and memorable? It’s usually the latter, same for slogans and mottos. They need to be simple, but still eye catching so that in a deluge of sensory input, the eye still spots it in this noise and goes “that’s brand x”. So, just remember that it doesn’t matter how pretty it is, or how clever your slogan is, as much as it being generally pleasant and quick to discover in a bedlam of competing input. #2 – Strong Philosophy and Mission More than your logo or slogan, your brand is also your philosophy and your mission which you aim for your product to accomplish. Establishing this used to be difficult, but in the digital age, and given most people do research and also shopping online, clearly defining these things in well-written but not uncertain terms is no longer that difficult. #3 – Understanding your Demographic and Extended Demographics In order to really establish a brand that works, you need to understand your demographics, both primary and extended. You can understand what they respect or don’t respect in a brand by watching their relationship with established brands and competition. What works and doesn’t? Take this, and make it yours, with your own identity. #4 – Stand Apart Finally, you must stand apart from your competition. What makes you different from competition out there? Why would they choose you over them? Are you superior to them? Well, sure everyone will claim that, but what else have you got? What about your attitude, delivery and overall approach sets you apart, better or not, from the others out there?



James Mello
James is the Lead Author & Editor Product2Market of Blog. James writes for the Product2Market blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to Product Marketing.