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Lately, neuromarketing books have generated much interest across various professions and businesses, especially the marketing part. Every day, people are faced with different scenarios/ situations that may require them to persuade or convince others to purchase their products, services, or just to agree with their point of view or opinion. Influencing others is not a difficult task, neither is it an easy one. It requires you to know how to get others to understand you so that you can influence them. This is often a very attractive skill or tool salespeople use in efforts to try and persuade customers to buy their products and services. Below are top 3 neuromarketing books you must read if you want to know more about social psychology and influence and become more convincing. 1. The Buying Brain You may not have heard about this book but it is very useful and you should have it in your library or bookshelf. This is a book by Dr. A. K. Pradeep and the author highlights some of the issue emerging in neuromarketing space. Pradeep goes ahead to ensure this book provides many good concrete examples to back up the important points. Unlike many books that simply cite a problem or research at hand, it portrays research in a different way. It goes further to give “actionable” steps for implementation. 2. Influence: Science and Practice To be honest, you may be missing a lot if you have not included this book in your list of neuromarketing books. When talking about the psychology of persuasion, it is considered the gospel of the subject. Written by Robert B. Cialdini, the book is the author’s infamous work that now gets the amount of praise it has been getting. The book has numerous excellent examples explained in simple terms to accommodate virtually anyone. He goes further to explain the outcome of these studies. In addition, he explains how to protect yourself against persuasion techniques (used by scammers) that aim at harm you rather than convincing you (ethically). 3. Predictably Irrational You will really enjoy reading this book. Not many books will make you question your decisions, but this one will. Dan Ariely portrays how seemingly mundane changes have the potential to have a great impact on our behavior, especially when we have no idea of what is going on. Study the book and find out how minor changes can greatly manipulate our perception of things. With its valuable insights on persuading other people, including examples, this book perfectly fits the category “understanding your brain,” where other books cover such a topic. Not only will reading these books make you more prepared the next time you try to convince others, but will also provide you with insights to make you aware of them especially when others try to unethically persuade or convince you. Reading a healthy collection of social psychology books with equip you with the necessary tools and knowledge to tackle some of the challenges surrounding social influence, social, constructs, marketing, and persuasion. Not only are these neuromarketing books fun to read, but are also written for the average person with key interest in psychology.



James Mello
James is the Lead Author & Editor Product2Market of Blog. James writes for the Product2Market blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to Product Marketing.