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With the boom of high powered internet and its omnipresence through the advent of smartphones and wifi, the social network movement has gained unfathomable momentum. The internet has become a new dimension of our society on which we communicate, exchange ideas, gain on the fly knowledge from a collective source, do commerce and play. We carry it in our pockets. We’re always on. Social networks are exemplary of this, causing the need for companies to formulate a social media marketing strategy to make avail of this powerful phenomenon. The social network revolution changed a lot of things. Like them or loathe them for personal use, they are a main stream communication channel for most of the world. That being the case, a social media marketing strategy can give you a power to make so many things easier to deal with and to make your marketing and customer service vastly more efficient and capable. The philosophy behind this is that on social networks, everyone’s kind of on the same level. You can talk to celebrities, scientists, your ninth grade teacher, or the representatives of a company or brand. This means that everyone can get ahold of everyone with not much effort. And everyone can be heard. Along with this, everyone tends to speak openly, which means a lot of unfettered opinions are visible over these channels. This massive amount of information freely floating about has caused SaaS developers to design nets to catch it. Business intelligence software can track mentions, trends, likes and other social interactions to gauge popularity, competition, public opinion and demographic attitude. Customer service is being proactive over these channels, in tandem with that data often enough, now. Agents can respond to negative mentions by being apologetic and sympathetic. Positive mentions can be met with thanks, favorites and other tips of the hat in thanks for their expressed admiration. This same kind of engagement is the main principle behind marketing over these channels as well. Engaging users proactively by posting large amounts of interesting content, having conversations with customers, builds a positive relationship with them. This initial positive interaction will help cultivate not only awareness of the product, but a more organic need creation as well. A lot of companies succeed well in marketing in this manner, while also publishing humorous or interesting things that only half relate to their usual topic. Twitter famously has a lot of sponsored accounts whose writers are quite skilled at putting engaging things in such condensed space. So, you were looking for a strategy. Well, having looked at it from a distance like this, we can see the big picture, and gather what our strategy should be. It’s rather simply. Publish and interact. Talk about your field, your product, tell amusing stories that’re somewhat related. Respond when others comment and when they mention you elsewhere. Be approachable and be heard and liked. Now that you have your social media marketing strategy, you just need the spark of creativity that lies across all of this. It will open up so much more bandwidth for your outreach that you will wonder how you ever got on without it.



James Mello
James is the Lead Author & Editor Product2Market of Blog. James writes for the Product2Market blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to Product Marketing.