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Guerrilla marketing strategies have changed a lot over the years, as new technologies, changing social attitudes and collective cultures, as well as resistance by people becoming accustomed to certain stimuli call for rethinking them. Some things haven’t gone away and probably never will, while other tactics have come and gone over the years, as their novelty wore off, or their promise of effectiveness fell short, or it just didn’t make up for the logistical costs of implementing them. That said, what are the guerrilla marketing strategies that have stood the test of time, what are the newcomers that seem to work remarkably well, and what strategies ought we get in on in their infancy, for their promises of future explosive potential being great? I’ll outline in brief three of these of answering these questions one at a time. No point milling about the ones that didn’t work and have faded with time, right? Let’s see what works. #1 – Street Placement This never went away, but it did dwindle fairly significantly with the proliferation of television, and more with the advent of the internet as it is today. But, the billboards, ads on the sides of buildings and the like never really went away. There’s a reason for this. While drivers should be concentrating more on the road than anything else, during travel, it’s easy for the mind to seek out stimuli to reduce the tunnel vision effect of driving, walking or any other ambulatory action. This is even more the case with passengers. Empty space along stretches of road, large blank walls of buildings or spaces above rooftops are just begging for something to be put there to stimulate the mind – why not creative, memorable visual advertisements? With digital signage being increasingly weather-resistant and cost-effective, this form of signage has also gotten new life and new potential for creativity. There’s also the booming new “mobile marketing” trend with signage on utility vehicles, buses and other things as well. It always has worked. We expect to see ads in these places. If we’re looking for them, there’s no reason to not put them there, right? #2 – Personalized Social Marketing and Gamification Ok, this is the modern one that’s relatively new, but it sure works. Campaigns that piggyback over social media such as Twitter or Facebook, with some element of gamification or entertainment value, that serves ultimately to advertise a product via sponsorship or the like has become huge. You can see examples of this everywhere, but television networks used it first with free themed gaming carrying over Facebook and the now antiquated MySpace. #3 – Augmented Advertising This one’s the one in its infancy, but what technology is in place now is worth going ahead and working with. Augmented advertising will one day involve projection mapping (on an interactive level) as well as work with technology not unlike the nigh mythical Google Glass, and even holographics and the like. That stuff’s not here yet. But, what is here is the ability to tie in GPS and the optics components of mobile devices to add dynamic marketing with the use of QR codes locational data. What use of it there has been has engaged focus groups quite well, and shown great potential. It’s possible to use this much now, I say we all embrace this homeopathic technological solution for unobtrusive marketing, because it is indeed the future. These are the guerrilla marketing strategies that have stood the test of time, use the best of modern standards, and show great potential for technologies on the verge of emerging.



James Mello
James is the Lead Author & Editor Product2Market of Blog. James writes for the Product2Market blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to Product Marketing.