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I’ve discussed product marketing tactics before, but frequently get requests to revisit this topic. So, I will once more discuss the best practices of marketing your product.

To make this article a little unique, I will touch upon some approaches and strategies that can be worked into the previous tactics that I have written about. This way, you can get a little more out of them.

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The biggest and most successful marketing tactic of this century, for now and for the projected future, is based on ‘digital’. Although it may require a little more patience to see how your results pan out, going ‘all digital’ is probably the safest bet.

Most digital marketing is handled through PPC advertising, or pay per click. Also popular is PPV, or pay per view.(Rendered ads still pay out so clicks are worth more). These ads involve the integrated banners found on most websites, as well as free mobile apps. This type of advertising benefits the developer, site owner, the advertising agency, and the company promoting the ad. While ad blockers are prevalent, they’re not perfect.  (Ad blockers are a downside to this methodology, but they are not considered a deal breaker).

Additional digital advertising includes major, video-content providers such as Dailymotion, YouTube, and Blip. You can insert ads as pre-rolls or interruptions (though I do not endorse mid-video interruptions. It’s just plain rude).

The second advertising tactic, which dominated everything (from the dawn of time up to the year 2000) was traditional media advertising. This began as signage and simple print but has grown to include magazines, radio and television advertisements, inserts and much more.

For a long time, this was the main venue. Traditional advertising is losing momentum as the internet takes the place of print, radio and television. Nonetheless, this tactic has its merits.

Society is at the cusp of a transition to ‘all IP’. So although there are still millions of people who get all of their entertainment, information and communication from these older mediums, the amount of users will decline in the coming years…

Finally, we come to the backbone of product marketing: Social media. Social marketing is getting big, and it’s only going to get bigger. Social networks are not the fad they were once believed to be. Social media has become the new platform – replacing, in many instances, message boards, chat rooms, personal websites, blogs and  image boards.  Social media has replaced a host of other communications and exchange facilities as well. Niches once served by other tools.

Advertising via social media is inexpensive, (aside from man hours). It is also very effective and long-lasting. Every channel has its own benefits. Being approachable over Twitter, Facebook and Reddit is helpful to followers. Posting your information, literature and white papers, over Tumblr, allows you to reach the average person in a way you could have never done before.

These are the main product marketing tactics, in a nutshell. They are relevant right now. As technology and society evolves, some may vanish, new ones may arise, and some may just evolve with the times.


Kevin Goldberg