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Examples of Derived Demand for Product Marketers

Examples of Derived Demand for Product Marketers

Finding a clear cut set of examples of derived demand for product marketers online is a bit of a crapshoot, isn’t it? Sometimes search engines take things a little too literally, and of course, there are all of those people on the internet who think they know what they are talking about, but don’t, flooding the digital world with nonsense. So, if you’re a bit lost looking for examples of derived demand in this situation, then there’s no shame in that. But, there are scenarios in product management where the bean counters are going to want you to forecast possible derived demand for a given project or campaign, and maybe even want precedents in the field, so they can have a clearer view than maybe you have, of what said project or campaign is going to cost. Gotta love those money changers in the temple, ah? Well, fear not, for today, I am going to give you two sets of examples, one of general resulting derived demand, and a few examples of things that have come into being as the result of derived demand of marketing in modernity. Your financial department’s usual guerilla tactics will crumble, with this information under your belt. Ready? General Demands First, the general types of derived demand that come from product marketing are of course, somewhat obvious. Labor is a big consequential demand for just about anything, in the case of marketing, primarily people skilled in various things that go into advertising and outreach. These may be writers, artists, and various forms of media expertise. Along with these comes the demand for communications technologies and distribution platforms, especially in a digital setting. These can be software extensions for web platforms, advertising services, affiliate marketing services, any number of things like this. Specific Examples And now we come to specific examples of this in product marketing, beyond the general demands above. Some examples of well-known services and technology that are specifically the result of advertising and marketing needs. The biggest one is the modern SaaS CRM platform. Such systems as Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics and Sugar CRM are just a few. Were it not for the increasing need for automation and complex data in tracking both commerce and marketing outreach in the new digital age, CRM software would never have evolved beyond the specialized spreadsheet/database systems they spent most of history being. Along with these is an entire web technology that has been developed primarily to facilitate dynamic advertising and marketing interfacing, HTML5. While it also has a purpose in creating general rich web interface, the main goals behind a lot of the innovations in HTML5, versus its predecessor, AJAX, were with the dynamism of massive marketing in mind. Also, following this chain, is the demand for powerful tools to design these HTML5 systems, such as Google Web Designer, Adobe Muse and other, similar applications. You will notice right off the bat, when opening these programs, that while they’re general HTML5 tools, their presets are geared to advertising and marketing templates almost exclusively. These are just some basic, general examples of derived demand in product management and product marketing. You’ll discover, when you actually step back, that there are tons of these things you can easily spot, and itemize, so that when you’re ready for your next campaign or project, you have more examples and case studies than your bean counters could ever think to demand. Checkmate!


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James Mello
James is the Lead Author & Editor Product2Market of Blog. James writes for the Product2Market blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to Product Marketing.