This week’s best in product marketing offers up a variety of insights from industry professionals, a look at some major product marketing failures and even some great software solutions.
1. The 10 Commandments of Product Marketing
In this article by Scott Lang addresses the complexities of product marketing by outlining the 10 commandments of PM. From having a measurable marketing plan to knowing your competitors products well, these 10 commandments will surely be helpful.
2. Digital Marketing Interview Series with the Product Marketing Associate at HubSpot
Ray Wang’s article is an interview with Maggie Hibma who is a PMA at Hubspot. Hibma outlines some of her biggest challenges and successes in this great piece.
3. This is How You Get People to Trust Your Product
In this article by FirstRound, some great advice is given from Urbansitter’s CEO Lynn Perkins. Perkins has some solid advice on building trust and confidence in your product.
4. Steve Jobs Introduces the New iPhone 6 and Apple Watch
In Jong-Moon Kim’s article about the iPhone 6 and Apple Watch launch, he addresses some of the challenges of the Apple Keynote and its effects on the product launch itself. His article is particularly insightful about the cold introduction and its effects on trust and confidence in the product.
5. 4 Good Sales Opportunity Management Solutions
Finally this article will help you get to know a few opportunity management software solutions. You’ll want to take a look at these as some are pretty new, and offer up some great opportunities to improve your processes and reporting.