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1# How to Write A Killer Product Description One sure way of marketing your products is by writing excellent product descriptions that resonates with your customers. Antonia Blair provides some insights on how to do this like a pro writer. 2# The Need to Constantly Change In Marketing Marketing should not be static; it should be able to change depending on the prevailing market environment. Benjrees look at some examples of companies that changed their marketing strategies and achieved great success. 3# Content Marketing In the Real World: The Role of Product Marketing Content is king in the current marketing world. It plays a very important role in marketing of products and services. JP De Clerck reveals role of content marketing in product marketing. 4# How to Develop The Right Tone For Your Product’s Message You have to choose the right words when creating a product message or description. Doing this is usually a daunting task that most marketers dread. Here are some tips by John Bonini on how to develop the right tone for your product’s message. 5# 3 Ways Expert Product Marketers Handle LinkedIn Removing Products And Service Tabs LinkedIn has decided to remove the product and service tab. This has led to massive negativity among marketers who use it to publicize their products and services. Here is another article that we wrote on 3 ways expert marketers are handling this change.



James Mello
James is the Lead Author & Editor Product2Market of Blog. James writes for the Product2Market blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to Product Marketing.