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Double Conversion Rates with These 5 Marketing Phrases

Double Conversion Rates with These 5 Marketing Phrases

Okay, so this title may seem to be a bit “click-baity”. You may think the title promises unrealistic conversion goals. Yet you still clicked on it. Why? Was it the term marketing phrases? It could be because you are legitimately interested. If could be that you were so irked by the title you clicked just to poke fun at the article later. You would be surprised (or maybe not) at how many people click out of sheer annoyance. The answer to this question illustrates some very important principles of Marketing Phrases. In short, the essence of all marketing phrases is that your language should call out straight to the heart of your customers’ needs. You know what your customers want and you are telling them that you have it. I know that you want to double your conversion rates, and in the following article, I will elaborate on how to do that with the following terms.  

1. De-Jargonize

“Something Corporate” is the tongue-in-cheek name of an early 2000’s emo punk rock band. Corporate-speak is also the plague of marketing language. Dense language that does not spell out what your product does, while simultaneously sucking out the soul of the reader is simply not effective marketing. New customers need to know exactly what your product is, what it does, and how it will help them. If they do not find this information out quickly… your marketing window of opportunity slams shut just as fast.  

2. Call To Action – “Buy now”

Back to the title of this article. I expressed the action that you want to perform. The language that you use can be used to help you identify with potential customers. You may also be providing the impetus to start a sale. Amazon makes it super simple to buy something. “Add to Cart”, “Buy Now”. Don’t have the money now? Put it on your Wish List so that you don’t forget about it. Whatever product or service you are trying to sell, encourage them to convert and make it very obvious how to do it. Hinting at scarcity by adding information about deadlines or limited quantities also adds to the urge to buy now.

By the way, here’s how you can make sure visitors convert into qualified leads and customers. 

3. What’s on “Sale”?

The word “Sale” is one of those tried and true words that does not seem to go out of style. After all, Black Friday shopping still seems to happen every year. Do not overdo it, but a tasteful application of sales at competitive prices is a constant incentive for users to convert. Include lists of “best sellers” as well. Buyers take comfort in the knowledge that other buyers endorse a particular product.  

4. Tips and Suggestions

This is customer retention language. Include periodic product tips in emails to periodically engage your customers. User suggestions and feedback are also very important parts of the customer engagement process for SaaS companies.  

5. Personalized Marketing Phrases

There are a few things a catch phrase should do, but most importantly it should be memorable. A great way to make it unmemorable is a cliché phrase that can be applied to literally any product. Back to making it memorable. You have a few different options. You can go for something catchy using simple rhyme, alliteration, or a pun.  “You and the Cap’n make it happen”. I haven’t eaten Captain Crunch cereal in close to a year, but that catch phrase is immortal. Cereal companies, in particular, seem to have mastered catchiness. “Frosted Flakes… They’rrre Great!” Not every product needs a catch phrase. A catch phrase may even be inappropriate for some products. Tombstones come to mind. But Tombstone Pizza is a great example of branding and effective Marketing Phrases. Taking a morose symbol and making it fun. “What do you want on your Tombstone?”  

 In the right situation, a creative catch phrase is a very powerful tool.

Will all these preceding tips help your conversion rates? It certainly won’t hurt. Whatever tone you do opt to go within your marketing language be sure to be concise first and foremost in explaining your product. A solid product and customer engagement plan are much more important than a few instances of being clever. On top of a solid product, flourishes of catchiness and humor can help your product to be remembered and identified with.          


James Mello
James is the Lead Author & Editor Product2Market of Blog. James writes for the Product2Market blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to Product Marketing.