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SEO onpage optimization has gotten a reputation as being a craft plied by con artists and other malcontents who would abuse this technology. Some even believe that it was entirely conceived by less than ethical people such as these. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The thing is, the concept of SEO onpage optimization was pioneered by search engines, and it helps them as well. See, search engines want your company to be found just as easily as you want to be found. Because, in truth, if the user searches for something genuinely relevant to you, then you are what they are searching for. Well, in order to prevent search engines from having to crawl constantly to find things people look for, the use of searches as keywords to match patterns in website contents made indexing this lightning fast. So, it’s all on you, though, to use this right. #1 – Meta Stuff These are descriptions, summaries and titles that are embedded within a web page. On the page, they are not seen. But, in the search engine, when the link to the page is generated, if there are titles and descriptions etc. in here, they will display under the link. This gives you an advance call to action and a chance to appeal more. Incorporating the keywords into this content boosts SEO compatibility. #2 – Linking Hyperlinks, usually just called links by users, are also important. Incorporating them into the text body is a bad idea. However, in the closing of your text body, including a URL to more information (also SEO optimized) is ethical and effective to do. Ensure that after this link is provided, there is spacing before the rest of the site, so it is clear it’s topical. #3 – Length and Word Count Ok, length of text on a page, and thus calculating appropriate word counts for these lengths, can be tricky. But, unlike blog article literature, at least you can bet on a safe length of about a thousand words. You will want to hit between one and two percent (sometimes three) of word count density for the key words being used. This is total key words. #4 – H Tags Using tags tie in AJAX layers and other components like dynamic social media buttons for SEO optimization (some engines now tie in these components as shortcuts) is also a wise decision, but it’s best to consult a web designer about implementing these as they are a bit complicated and technical, really. But, you thought SEO was entirely about keyword pacing, or maybe you thought it was a shady practice all in all. But, you were wrong. It’s ok, things get bad reputations or misunderstood ones due to a fly in the occasional ointment. Hopefully, I cleared it up here, at least to a point, so that you’ll consider using this technology to make it easier for customers to find you.



James Mello
James is the Lead Author & Editor Product2Market of Blog. James writes for the Product2Market blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to Product Marketing.