Are you aware that even the most experienced experts can feel overwhelmed with their daily tasks?
Of course you are. That is why you are here reading with me. Reading is fun. I am funny and if it is business related then its work right?
It is a good thing then that
Inbound marketing tools can help. There is too much going on, and people wear so many different hats that they feel like they are constantly lagging behind.
It is funny that we are still using that term in a time when hardly anyone outside of deliverymen wear hats anymore. Thanks JFK. (He was the first hatless US president.)
It would be awesome if we could get someone to take on the organization and micromanagement aspects of our daily duties. Then we could focus on the most important issues of our organizations.
There is help. A new hat rack designed by Swedish architects will…….wait where was i?
Ah yes, a solution. Enter Inbound marketing tools to help you achieve your personal or organizational goals.
Here are a few inbound marketing tools that might just do the trick:
There is nothing more exciting than finding something or someone who can do your task well. Yeah free ice cream is good too. In this case Hubspot is the ideal solution. This is an important and powerful inbound tool consisting of integrated marketing tools. They, like a good hat, cover all your marketing aspects like email marketing, blogging, website development, lead generation and social media management. The main aim of Hubspot is to attract as many visitors as possible. Unlike other platforms, Hubspot will provide you with a proper balance of originality and automation. With features like post scheduling, smart contents and an easy to use dashboard Hubspot will save you a lot of effort and time in improving, evaluating and analyzing marketing efforts.
Building a dominant online presence is an uphill task. From instagram sharing to frequent tweeting and facebook posting, keeping all these updated is not easy. If only there was a way to sync your social media platform with a software that could manage it all. Oh wait there is and it is totally the subject of this paragraph. Hootsuite enables you to like, post, share and comment all in one place. Within your account you will be able set up a stream which is able to correspond to each of your social media platform that will in turn set them into tabs. For instance, you can set a tab for your personal account and another for your business. This inbound marketing tool will help you to filter and specify information you need.
This tool will alert you when your followers are most active. This will show you how many people are talking about the topic you are interested in. FollowerWonk, a tool offered by Moz, will not only meet your marketing demand and needs, but also update you on the trending marketing strategies. It will also help you find a new accounts to follow and also assess the activities of your followers.
Google Hangouts
This is one of the best inbound marketing tools when it comes to recording live events. Hangouts can be used for a lead generation. It is very important to find a marketing platform which is easy to use but can record some of the most high quality marketing videos with no hassle. Are you aware that hangouts have a direct link with YouTube which makes it super easy to upload and share finished videos with your followers? It is best video marketing tool for all marketers.
This is an inbound marketing tool which help you to upload all the power point presentations you want people to see online. This inbound marketing tool is slowly gaining fame in the business world and the best part is that it has already proven that it is one of the best that any organization should use.
Whether a newbie or a pro all of the above information about inbound marketing tools can help
increase your online visibility and relieve some of the pressure of having too much work to handle.