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April Fool’s Day: How Long Does It Take to Create a Marketing Strategy?

April Fool’s Day: How Long Does It Take to Create a Marketing Strategy?

April first is a day full of laughter and joking. I personally love to give those around me a good laugh, so I thought I’d share this funny cartoon with you. The amount of time and effort put into creating marketing strategies is no joke however, and there is a lot that goes into creating and executing a successful marketing campaign. In this satirical cartoon by Marketoonist, the steps and strategies required to produce a marketing campaign took the employees so long to thoroughly complete that they were already retired when it was done. Now, we all know it doesn’t take that long to complete the steps in producing a marketing strategy, and we won’t be collecting social security at the end of every product, but it does take a significant amount of time to make sure everything is taken care of. When preparing your product for the market, it is crucial to thoroughly complete all the steps to make sure it is customer ready. From concept tests to focus groups, the hard work and effort put into creating a marketing strategy is reflected by how popular the product becomes on the market. Like anything, hard work and dedication do pay off, but making sure your time is spent efficiently is just as important as the quality of your work. I wish everyone a funny and memorable April fool’s day! 22


James Mello
James is the Lead Author & Editor Product2Market of Blog. James writes for the Product2Market blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to Product Marketing.