Dynamic web content is generated for a user at the time they request the page. The content on the website changes from time to time based on the interests or past behavior of the viewer thereby creating a customized experience for the reader at that moment.
The bottom line with dynamic content is to ensure that you are intentional and purposeful about its use. Your main objective for implementing dynamic content should be to create a better experience for your customers and lead and to help improve the time of potential customers on your website. Unlike static content, dynamic website content creates a website experience that will never get old for potential and repeat customers.
The Benefits of Dynamic Website Content
Dynamic content is a smart marketing strategy that creates an opportunity for marketers to create fresh offers that boost conversations. Your business can have the first offer on home page or an alternate offer if the primary one was already downloaded by the same user. This helps to expose new products to your site’s users thus boosting conversations and sales. Providing an alternate product to the same user, if the first was previously downloaded, can help you avoid over-selling to a potential consumer or worse, miss the opportunity to sell to them especially if they were ready to make a purchase.
With dynamic content, you are able to recognize a visitor to your website as a potential customer. This way, you are able to give them a call to action that minimizes the form field or let them bypass it completely. With dynamic content, you can create a highly customized experience that will yield your business leads, conversations and sales for a very long time. This is because at all times, this type of content leverages the historical behavior, preferences and interests of potential and repeat customers. Dynamic web content recognizes every buyer as an individual with special questions thus creating a more specialized market tailored to their needs.
How to Create Dynamic Web Content
Generic content is obsolete. With advanced technology, static content will soon be historical. Dynamic user experience is definitely taking the lead. Creating a dynamic web experience through personal content can easily move customers to conversations thereby shortening the sales cycle. Once you make your web experience more relevant to the surfing individual, moving customers to conversion and taking your business a step further should be an easy assignment. Besides, dynamic content is a more targeted approach that has been proven more effective than static web content.
Using PHP & MySQL
You need PHP & MySQL pages for your website because static pages eventually become stale and this could lead to a reduction in visitor traffic over time. Because the last thing you want to do is lose repeat visitors, invest in time and relevant resources to create a personalized experience that will make visitors come back to your business website on a daily basis. Remember, if your website does not have repeat traffic, your website will never be a continued success for your business.
Using PHP with a MySQL database can help you create dynamic content for your website. You do this by rotating information on key. Rotating key can take the form of rotating articles, simple thought of the day or group product listing. This approach will enable your clients and visitors to find new and interesting information every time they visit your website.
Steps to Creating Dynamic Content with PHP & MySQL Database
Create a database with a unique name. You could use an already existing database if you do not prefer creating a new one. Create a content table that will hold your data. Your table should contain the number of fields based on the data you want to input. The table should not miss a product description field. Examples of fields to add would be for item number, item description, image URL, a shopping card purchase field and so and so forth. This entirely depends on how you would love to structure your table, but keep it simple for easy workflow. Insert some dummy data on the table ready to be shown on your website.
To work perfectly with your table, you must understand that there are mechanisms in place that instruct a website on what items to display to the visitor. These mechanisms vary from simple yet effective commands to more complex and technologically advanced approaches like Internet Protocol tracking and use of Cookies to determine the items to display to the users.
The random number generator is one of the most useful mechanisms for deciding what items to display to the users. There are few rules to observe when using the PHP random number generator. You must determine the total number of items you would like the system to display randomly. For instance if you have five items you would like to show, the PHP random number generator will only give a result between one and five. Create a variable to hold you random number snippet set and then write an SQL statement to fetch data from the table you created. Use the WHERE SQL function together with your variable to enable your query to select the items from the database table randomly.
The final step is to display your data to the end users. Maintain your consistency in a presentation size. Create tables or div containers with proper dimensions and then display your results within the table or container elements. Using proper dimensions will ensure that your page proportion do not change with each new item as this could be quite confusing to the visitors. Every time a visitor comes to your page or refreshes the page, a new product will be selected at displayed at random.
Using HTML and JQuery Library
HTML ad JQuery library can help you create dynamic image content. You can include a specific message on an image and set the time images can change from one to the other. This is also a great way to create dynamic content for your website.
When you provide dynamic web content, visitors remain on your website longer and they can download products from your website more often and ultimately make more purchase from your website.