Online marketing is one of the most popular and successful marketing tactics, and it has evolved greatly over the years. When it once only reached a select group of people who had the means to own the technology necessary, now it reaches almost everyone universally. Most people connect online at some point throughout the day, and marketing has adapted.
This infographic by Content Crossroad depicts just how successful online marketing is today, and will be in the future. It begins by presenting its’ success in the past, moving on to the present, and finally, ending in future predictions. In the past, strategies have included bot-oriented content which wasn’t very reader friendly, and most people chose articles for their advertising purposes. Currently we mostly utilize Google for searches of local business, and blogs, infographics and videos to advertise. In the future it is predicted that there will be more of a focus on content for mobile devices, and marketers will use technologies such as branded mobile apps. In addition, content personalization is thought to be the major key to online marketing success.
This fascinating infographic not only offers future predictions, but bases them on a vast amount of research and statistics. I’m excited to see what the future brings, and how much of these predictions actually come true.
But before you start reading, check this out if you wish to make your website easy to navigate, use and understand