The best way to avoid mistakes is by learning from those who made them before you. This video highlights the 10 worst blunders of marketing to ever hit our screens. The reason I recommend this video is because I find it loaded with lots of real-life experiences that you can relate to. The primary reasons why I picked this video for you are:
#1 The video is not only easy to follow but thrilling and fun to watch as well
#2 The author is keen to pin-point some of the blunders made by the companies. This makes it pretty easy to avoid repeating them going forward.
You really don’t want to miss out on this informative clip. Learning from our own mistakes and the mistakes of others is an important skill to grasp in product marketing.
Social media is another area where product marketing often goes awry. Err on the side of caution and learn to
avoid the marketing blunders of your predecessors.